Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Health, Safety and Wellbeing is about people, and nothing is more important to us. We are committed to reducing risk and creating positive working environments.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing is about people, and nothing is more important to us. We are committed to reducing risk and creating positive working environments.

Our Health, Safety & Wellbeing Strategy is based around a Cycle of Success. By placing equal focus on each of the five areas, we believe we can achieve industry leading health, safety and wellbeing performance. 

Cycle of success illustrationOur focus areas are:  

  • Competence 
  • Process  
  • Culture 
  • Compliance 
  • Learning  

We have chosen these five areas because we know they will make the biggest difference in reducing risk and creating positive working environments. 

This will not only support us in keeping people, safe, healthy, and well, but will help us to create the best places to work.  

Performance metrics based on the five areas of the Cycle of Success are in development and will be launched during 2022.  


We need the right people with the right skills, knowledge, experience in the right positions. 

We are committed to ensuring that those working for us and with us have the tools they need to be able to perform at a high level. 


Process must be simple, agile and fit for purpose, and we should only do things that add value. We are constantly reviewing the way we work to ensure that we are meeting this mandate. 

Our Minimum HS&W Standards have been written by our people with input from our industry peers and supply chain partners.


Led from the top

We are a family business and people are at the heart of everything we do.

Don’t Walk By

A simple message, the power of which cannot be overestimated. We encourage everyone to work with us to help improve HS&W.

Often the most serious incidents could have been avoided if someone had intervened.

Construction workers using equipment safely

Positive Culture

We work hard to ensure that we maintain a positive HS&W culture which allows anyone to speak up. We will listen to any concerns people may have, and are committed to taking action wherever necessary

As a leading construction company, we are also determined to play our part in proactively raising awareness and tackling the stigma around mental health.

We share and promote the message loud and clear that ‘it’s ok to not be ok’ and have introduced various ways to promote positive mental health and provide support where it is needed.

We are open, honest and transparent and will always put people first.

Be Safe | Home Safe logo

You will see this logo on some of our documents and PPE.

The words were chosen by our people in 2008 to remind us what HS&W is all about.

We work in a high-risk industry and are committed to ensuring that everyone who works with or for us goes home safely every day.

It is also a reminder to us all of what is important to us (friends, families, hobbies etc) and why it is so important to look after one another.



We want compliance with our Company Management System requirements to be the norm because it is easy. 

There are various ways we currently check compliance to make sure we are doing it, not just saying it. 

construction workers using digital technology on site


Why it is so important 

Learning keeps the cycle of success alive and allows us to continuously improve. 

We feed learning into the cycle and embed it in how we do business. 

Learning means recognising what is working well and promoting it, as well as identifying areas for improvement and tackling them. 

Industry Collaboration 

To be an industry leader, we recognise that we need to collaborate with our clients, peers and supply chain. 

We are actively involved in various external groups and forums to ensure we are sharing what we do well and learning from others.  

Groups include: 

  • Tier 1 H&S Leadership Group 
  • HCLG – Health in Construction Leadership Group 
  • Building Safety Bill - Early Adopters Group 
  • BSI Lifting Group 

When things don’t go to plan 

If something doesn’t go to plan, we must be careful not to paper over the cracks for a quick fix.  

We take our time to understand why something has happened. If we don’t do this, we will never be able to stop it happening again. 



We send out regular information to support learning throughout our business and the industry.

Our commitments

  1. Sustainability

    We are committed to leaving a lasting positive legacy as a result of our actions. Considering our impact on the environment and society in all we do. Playing our role in addressing the climate emergency for a sustainable and prosperous future.

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  2. Health, Safety & Wellbeing

    Health, Safety and Wellbeing is about people, and nothing is more important to us. We are committed to reducing risk and creating positive working environments.

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  3. Quality

    We pride ourselves on delivering a quality product to our clients on time, every time.

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  4. Compliance

    Our quality, environmental and health, safety and wellbeing management systems ensure we provide a consistent level of compliance across all our operations.

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  5. Inclusion

    'We treat each other like family'. It's the ethos that we live by and that underpins our culture.

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